Whenever Drupal needs to provide an image in specific dimenions, FE needs to provide an image style.
Create a file in /.tools/es/responsive_image
and define the height and width of the image for each breakpoint. Afterwards run phab scaffold .tools/es/index.yml
to create the image styles. They are getting created in /config/sync
. Don't forget to commit them and let the BE devs know what the relevant file is.
To see the changes locally:
phab -cmbb drush cim
when you are prompted to):phab -cmbb drush 'image-flush --all'
phab -cmbb drush cr
If you get any php errors during running phab scaffold .tools/es/index.yml
you might need to update the scaffolder via composer update factorial-io/phab-entity-scaffolder
// src/components/elements/image/schema.yaml
$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
$id: /elements/image
additionalProperties: false
type: object
- uri
- width
- height
- alt
type: string
format: uri-reference
type: number
type: number
type: string
type: array
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- xs
- sm
- md
- lg
- xl
- xxl
type: number
type: number
- srcset
- media
- size
- width
- height
type: array
type: string
type: array
type: string
type: boolean
// src/components/elements/image/mocks.yaml
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: Sample alt text
- $name: src with lazy
is_lazy: true
- $name: srcset with same ratio
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x576.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 576
width: 768
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/570x427.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 427
width: 570
- $name: srcset with different ratio
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x576.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 576
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/427x570.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 570
width: 427
- $name: srcset with lazy loading
is_lazy: true
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/576x768.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 576
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/427x570.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 570
width: 427
- $name: 16x9
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/16x9.png
height: 406
width: 720
alt: Sample alt text
- $name: 3x4
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/3x4.png
height: 256
width: 342
alt: Sample alt text
- $name: 16x9_9x16
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1406x2500.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
width: 1406
height: 2500
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1406x2500.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
width: 1406
height: 2500
- $name: 2x1_9x16
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x1365.png
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x720.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 720
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x720.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 720
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x512.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 512
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x1365.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 1365
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/569x1012.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 1012
width: 569
- $name: 9x16
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/9x16.webp
height: 626
width: 375
alt: Sample alt text
- $name: 9x16_picture
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/9x16.webp
alt: ''
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
media: '(min-width: 200em)'
size: xxl
height: 626
width: 375
- $name: Story slider intro slide
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
height: 626
width: 375
alt: Sample alt text
- $name: Story slider picture
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
alt: Sample alt text
- StorySliderSlideIntro-introImage
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
media: '(min-width: 200em)'
size: xxl
height: 626
width: 375
- $name: Avatar
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/avatar/6.webp
width: 200
height: 200
- $name: benefit overview
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/566x454.png
alt: alt text
width: 566
height: 454
- $name: benefit 1
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/626x770.png
alt: alt text
width: 626
height: 770
- $name: benefit 2
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/831x709.png
alt: alt text
width: 831
height: 709
- $name: benefit 3
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/589x657.png
alt: alt text
width: 589
height: 657
- $name: benefit 4
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/482x560.png
alt: alt text
width: 482
height: 560
- $name: benefit 5
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/775x775.png
alt: alt text
width: 775
height: 775
- $name: Mixed story slide
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/mixed287x216.webp
height: 216
width: 287
alt: Sample alt text
// src/components/elements/image/image.twig
{% if sources and sources is not empty %}
<picture {% if picture_classes %}class="{{ picture_classes|join(" ") }}"{% endif %}>
{% for source in sources %}
{% if source.type %}
type="{{ source.type }}"
{% endif %}
{% if source.media %}
media="{{ source.media }}"
{% endif %}
{% if source.width %}
width="{{ source.width }}"
{% endif %}
{% if source.height %}
height="{{ source.height }}"
{% endif %}
srcset="{{ source.srcset }}"
{% endfor %}
{% if classes %}
class="{{ classes|join(" ") }}"
{% endif %}
src="{{ uri }}"
alt="{{ alt }}"
{% if alt == "" %}
{% endif %}
{% if width %}
width="{{ width }}"
{% endif %}
{% if height %}
height="{{ height }}"
{% endif %}
{% if is_lazy %}
{% elseif is_priority %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if classes %}
class="{{ classes|join(" ") }}"
{% endif %}
src="{{ uri }}"
alt="{{ alt }}"
{% if alt == "" %}
{% endif %}
{% if width %}
width="{{ width }}"
{% endif %}
{% if height %}
height="{{ height }}"
{% endif %}
{% if is_lazy %}
{% elseif is_priority %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
src with lazy mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: Sample alt text
is_lazy: true
srcset with same ratio mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x576.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 576
width: 768
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/570x427.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 427
width: 570
srcset with different ratio mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x576.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 576
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/427x570.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 570
width: 427
srcset with lazy loading mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/320x240.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: alt text
is_lazy: true
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/2560x1920.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 1920
width: 2560
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x1080.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 1080
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x768.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 768
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/576x768.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 576
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/427x570.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 570
width: 427
16x9_9x16 mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
height: 891
width: 1584
alt: Sample alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1584x891.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
width: 1584
height: 891
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1406x2500.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
width: 1406
height: 2500
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1406x2500.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
width: 1406
height: 2500
2x1_9x16 mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x1365.png
height: 240
width: 320
alt: alt text
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x720.png
media: '(min-width: 100em)'
size: xxl
height: 720
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1440x720.png
media: '(min-width: 80em) and (max-width: 99.9375em)'
size: xl
height: 720
width: 1440
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/1024x512.png
media: '(min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
size: lg
height: 512
width: 1024
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/768x1365.png
media: '(min-width: 48em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)'
size: md
height: 768
width: 1365
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/569x1012.png
media: '(max-width: 47.9375em)'
size: sm
height: 1012
width: 569
9x16_picture mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/9x16.webp
height: 240
width: 320
alt: ''
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
media: '(min-width: 200em)'
size: xxl
height: 626
width: 375
Story slider intro slide mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
height: 626
width: 375
alt: Sample alt text
Story slider picture mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
height: 240
width: 320
alt: Sample alt text
- StorySliderSlideIntro-introImage
- srcset: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/intro-slide.webp
media: '(min-width: 200em)'
size: xxl
height: 626
width: 375
benefit overview mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/566x454.png
height: 454
width: 566
alt: alt text
Mixed story slide mock data
uri: /build/assets/img/dummy/story-slider/mixed287x216.webp
height: 216
width: 287
alt: Sample alt text